We had a fun time yesterday at my niece's 5th birthday party. Crafts galore, cupcakes and ice cream! After the party died down and most of the guests had gone home we let my SIL's cat out of the bedroom to play for a bit. Hubby was lovin' on her kitty and told his sister that he wanted to bring her home, she joked back that he could, if he could sneak her past her 5 year old first....
About an hour later we were packing up to go home. I helped Aislinn with her coat and asked her if she was ready to go. She said, "Yup! I just have to get my kitty first." Oh no, my litteral minded 4 year old thought we were taking the kitty home! I told her, "Oh no, sweetie, that's Danielle's kitty, we're not taking her home." We are planning on getting a cat soon so I let her know that we will find our own kitty but that didn't stop the tears.
My poor baby girl, her heart was broken.
The hard part is the shelter we want to adopt from is only open until 4:00. Hubby and Liam aren't even home from school until 3:30...
Anyone have a friendly kitty that needs a home?